
Stove plate and element regulator switch Seibe

Stove Repairs in Port Elizabeth South Africa

Regulators control the temperature of a oven or stove plate by switching it on and off. This is done by means of a bi-metal strip that makes contact points open and close on set periods.
Seibe energy regulator
Siebel Energy Regulator is an Infinite switch that turns electric stove plates/ elements/ burner on and off. By turning the rotary knob to various setting it controls the temperature of the heating device (stove plates).

How an Infinite Regulator works

Inside the Regulator is a bimetallic strip that heats up when electricity passes through it. After a few seconds the bimetallic strip bends (warped) causing a spring-loaded control to open (cutting the power flow). Once the power is cut the bi-strip starts to cool down then returning to its original position (Shape). When the bimetallic strip is back in its original shape the whole process starts over again.

The abovementioned mechanical actions is done on very petite scale and it cannot handle the heavy current of a stove plate or heating-element. The simmerstat (fancy name for regulator) needs the help of contactor or a more robust spring loaded switch that mirrors the actions of the little guy mention in the first paragraph.

Now who says the little guys has no control?

By turning the knob to its highest setting it will take longer for the little guy (bimetallic strip) to reach "cut-off (bend) and the heating device gets hotter


Mechanical switches/regulators generate a spark (arcing) everytime it make contact or switches on/off which can cause interference on a radio and electronic gadgets. However if this situation should ever occur it is easy-peasy rectified, with the help of suppressors.

Manufacturers use the seibe regulator because its reliable switches at a cheap price. Defy appliances use them in most of their cooking appliances.

Regulator points are closed
Unfortunately like most things these switches also only has a lifespan before the go on the blink. The two main symptoms that will tell you it's your regulator that is faulty;

  1. The range or element stay on all the time and overheat.
  2. The element unit does not turn-on at all.

As you can see from above picture the switch contact points appears to be closed and should let the electric current through to the elements to start heating up. But in this instance there is a slight build-up of carbon fiber (white spot) on right hand side of contacts, and its just enough  to prevents the two points from making contact. This carbon buildup happens because everytime the contact points open and close there's a little spark
Regulator switch in open position

I hope this has given your a better insight to the operation of your cooking equipment. Should you require more information feel free e-mail or leave a comment below.

PS. For more information also see; Energy Regulators

Watch the Magic happening in the drain pipe

Appliance Cleaniness in  South Africa

One of the most common area people forget to clean is behind their washing machine and dishwasher. Most machines are build into a cupboard or undercounter which has minimal ventilation and no sunshine. Ideal conditions for Nasty Bacteria and Odors.

The most cleaning-machines outlet pipe turns into a greasy bacteria infested breeding ground (or pipe), sometimes within 24hrs there is a smell in the air

To eliminate the stinky odors around your dishwasher and washing Machine doesn't have to be an expensive exercise by use-ing dangerous chemicals.

The following cleaning recipe is effective - cheap because you don't have to buy expensive ingredients it's all stuff you are already using in your kitchen.

75g Salt (1/4 cup)

75g Baking powder

250ml Vinegar(1 Cup)

500ml Water

Pour everything into a bowl or spray bottle, shake till salt and baking powder are completely dissolved. One of my senior clients squeeze a complete lemon into the mixed because she likes the smell of lemons.

Once the cleaning is sprayed down the drain pipes

Watch the magic happen in the drain pipe

The antiseptic properties of salt will remove the stickiness in no time and unclog the drains.

Enjoy keeping your love ones healthy

Defy gas stove oven selector switch

Gas stove Repairs in Port Elizabeth. South Africa

 The Oven selector switch is the biggest reason why electric ovens fail or loose some of their functions
Defy gas stove oven selector switch
 Feel free to contact me if you should need more information.

Refrigerators Fail by Design

Appliance Repairs in Port Elizabeth. South Africa
Defy F640 refrigerator rusted gas tubes
New Refrigerators almost give the impression that their mechanical flaw's was done by design. Refrigerator appear super modern with their stainless steel or pastel finishes, the digital and led's lights make one as if feel you have arrived. But sadly most refrigerator manufactures has actually gone backwards in the way their cooling system are build.

Galvanise Tubing

Galvanising is most probably one the best ways to protect steel from the elements. Unfortunately galvanising is not a permanent solution to protecting gas tubes in a refrigerator against rust. Yet most fridge manufacturers choose to use it in the refrigerator manufacturing process.

Manufactures like Defy appliances and Samsung actually build their refrigerators in such a way that the fridge galvanised gas tubes will come into contact with water in some stage of the cooling process. 

Refrigerator rusted gas tubes
As you can see from above picture the manufacture cover the new galvanised gas tubes with black plastic in the hope to delay the deterioration of the rust-effect on the steel tubes. By covering the gas-tubes with plastic it is suppose to prevents water/moisture from coming into contact with the metal moisture.

Unfortunately this coverup is only a short term solution because the plastic cannot handle the temperature variation from the refrigerator gas and starts developing hairline cracks. When moisture enter into these cracks it becomes an ideal area for water and oxygen to do their thing. The plastic prevents the water from evaporating again and also there are sufficient oxygen to start the oxidation process.

Most of the time these defects are so well covered up that the average consumer never realize that they are actually buying bad designed fridges.  The big side-by-side are the worst because most of them has their gas tubes running into the drip-tray to help with water evaporation.

Suggestion; If you are going to purchase a new refrigerator ask the salesman if the refrigerator gas tubes are running into the drip-tray and if it does just walk way.

I hope this has given you some perspective on why Refrigerator fail by Design.