
Remote gate Repairs

Remote Gate Repairs in Port Elizabeth

The biggest reason why remote gate motor fail can be prevented by performing a few simple tasks regularly.
Spiderweb covered control module

Simple Preventive maintenance tasks

  1. Grease the Wheels: 
All visible wheels should be lubricated regularly (once a month if you are staying at the coast like we here in Port Elizabeth). In the olden days we use to use oil but now you can buy a can of silicone spray or liquid grease. These canned products makes it so much easier and cleaner to lubricate the wheels.  Most gates has two wheels at the bottom and two stabilizer wheels on top.

      2.Pop the Top:

Remove the top cover of the gate-motor regularly to do a visible inspection of the inside. 

Look for the following 
  • Water streaks and marks - moisture on the electronic can cause havoc. 
  • Insects - If you see one you can be sure his friends are sleeping somewhere in the warm gate motor dome.  Crochers love to lunch on the printed electronic boards.
Ants on the other hand are gathers, they bring you food and stuff. I myself are a ant person - just love the little hardworking fellows. So don't use mean insecticide on them. Rather go for a more natural ways to make them move.  
  • Chalk-line around gate motor unit - ants hate getting covered with chalk
  • Cotton Balls dipped in peppermint essential oil - they don't like the smell 
  • Peppermint oil mixed with water in spray bottle have the little hallers move quick-quick
  • Some people also spray vinegar diluted with water but if you spray directly on them they will die.  Rather do not use this method
Weather damaged Gate-motor control  module
Did you know

The chemical progress (between positive and negative ions) inside a battery is slower once the outside temperature gets cooler.

If you are living in an area where the temperature drops very low at night it might be a good idea to install a lamp inside the gate motor dome that is connected to a temperature sensor. The lamp will turn once the temperature drops and heat up inside the gate motor dome so that the battery can perform at it optimal level.

You can buy these temperature sensor at most good hardware store. They are inexpensive and it is a easy DIY.
Centurion control module neatly covered

Do you have tips and advice on how to keep our little friends at bay and maintain your remote gate unit. Please leave us a comment below.

Happy remoting
083 52 52 522