

Microwave Guide Cover

The location of the Microwave Oven Guide Cover is inside the Oven cabinet on the right hand side or at the top panel.

The purpose of the guide cover is to keep food spillages and fat away from the Magnetron.

The wave covers do become brittle or get damaged over a period of time and sometimes fat gets lodge behind the wave cover. If fat gets lodge on or behind the wave cover it gets heated every time and eventually turns into charcoal.

When you notice a spark or arcing inside the microwave it is normally a signs that the Microwave Oven wave cover needs to be replaced

Just unscrew the screw that keeps it in place and remove the cover. Sometimes it is a small plastic stud that keeps the cover in place just lift the studs.

We do keep a limited stock of the plastic wave cover but most of the time you have to order the cover from the manufactures. We can cut the mica type wave cover for you to your size, just make a copy of yours - send us a fax and will make it up for you. (if you are out of town we will mail it back to you)

Before you start working on any appliance unplug it from the wall electric socket. Remove the roller ring and glass plate from the inside cabinet because it is easy to damage these two units.

Before fitting the new wave cover, make sure the magnetron cavity is clean
To refresh your microwave oven – take a half lemon and 350ml water together in a jug – set microwave oven for 5 minutes on high. Once done wipe the condensation away with a soft cloth and you will be left with a fresh smelling Microwave Oven. Instead of lemon - vanilla essence can be used, same procedure.

If you need more pointers and advice just go to High Point's Facebook page and ask one of the many experts there.

Pine Pienaar Info
PS.If you need a little more information about microwave ovens check out this enzine article click here